WorkShops are designed to create community around Scripture through theological instruction.
The Mission of Workshops
Words like theology and doctrine can be intimidating. Or maybe they make you yawn with boredom. Or maybe they wake up that part of you that loves to dive into the deeper parts of Scripture and God’s design. The mission of workshops is to create community around Scripture (much like LifeGroups) through theological instruction.
WorkShop Distinctives
LifeGroups at Provision are designed to foster relationships and spiritual growth through three distinctives:
- Scripture
We are committed to engaging with the Word of God as our highest authority. WorkShops use Scripture to help us understand God, ourselves, and our world. This might be expressed in several ways: Bible Study, apologetics, biblical theology, and church history are categories that you might find offered in WorkShops. No matter the category, the Bible is central. - Theology
Often times, the study of God is seen as the responsibility of seminaries. “The church helps their congregation understand the practical stuff, but the more nuanced, difficult, theological concepts are too difficult for most people.” But we do hope that deep theology is a part of the normal life of the church. From sermons to LifeGroups to DGroups. WorkShops are specifically designed to approach and go deeper into theological concepts. - Unity
Healthy theology should lead to unity. We know that theological study and debate can lead to disunity and division, but in the local church, theological clarity creates and protects our unity in Christ. That’s the goal of our WorkShops – not building up or protecting theological camps, but fostering unity around scripture.
Theology and Community
While theological instruction is the leads the way in WorkShops, community isn’t far behind. Our hope is that learning about God isn’t drudgery. Our hope is that theology is exhilarating and life-giving. Maybe even…fun. God gives us each other to enjoy Him together. It would be a sad thing to learn about God without the joy of community to share that knowledge.
Sunday mornings are evidence of this. We like to think Sunday mornings at Provision provide theological instruction and opportunity to grow in community. The value of WorkShops beyond that is the intimacy of studying with a smaller group week after week. As you study, learn, ask questions, and just spend time together you naturally build friendships.
Building these friendships through solid Biblical teaching carries helps us to be Christ centered in our relationships. WorkShops are joyful, Christ centered discipleship.
WorkShops meet in 6 week semesters. You’re welcome to join one and try a different the next semester. They meet on Sunday nights each week. Since Mission Kids also meets on Sunday nights, WorkShops will also have childcare provided.
All you need to do to join a WorkShop is to register and show up. Give it a try and enjoy Christ centered community with Provision.
Spring WorkShop Options
Women’s Bible Study
Join Krystle Navey as she leads a Bible study through the Book of Colossians. Each class will incorporate teaching, discussion, and fellowship.
What’s the Difference: Cults
Join Dr. Jim Korth as he leads a coed study on different cults. We’ll be looking into Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witness, Christian Science, and Scientology along with some lesser-knowns including The Unification Church, Black Hebrew Israelites, and Seventh Day Adventism. We will examine what they believe and how we can witness to them.