The Mission of LifeGroups
At Provision, our mission is to cultivate a Christ centered community driven by the joy of the Gospel to make disciples who make disciples. LifeGroups are the heartbeat of this mission, providing an intimate space where people can move from isolation to belonging, and from strangers to family. Since discipleship happens in relationship, LifeGroups are an essential part of how we make disciples.
LifeGroup Distinctives
LifeGroups at Provision are designed to foster relationships and spiritual growth through three distinctives:
- Scripture
We are committed to engaging with the Word of God as our highest authority. LifeGroups study the Bible together so that we can understand and apply it in our daily lives. Where Sunday Mornings center around God’s Word being preached, LifeGroups center around His Word being discussed and applied. Groups use questions based on the text or theme from Sunday’s passage for discussion. (2 Tim 2:16) - Hospitality
Hospitality is critical to our community life. LifeGroups create welcoming environments where everyone feels valued and included. We believe in opening our homes, sharing meals, and supporting each other in practical and meaningful ways. Biblical hospitality means that we welcome people into our spaces, whether that’s a church building or a home. It’s a way that we get to reflect God’s kindness to other church members and to those we are still searching. (1 Peter 4:9) - Mission
Our LifeGroups are not just about inward growth but also outward impact. Our prayer is that every member at Provision is Living Sent and sharing the Gospel in their daily lives. But we also love to be sent out together. Our LifeGroups take on service projects and create opportunities to share the Gospel as a part of their regular schedule. God has called us to make disciples who make disciples – what a joy it is to do that together! (Matthew 28:18-20)
Biblical hospitality…is a way that we get to reflect God’s kindness to other church members and to those we are still searching.
From Stranger to Family
Sadly, it is possible for a person to attend a Sunday morning worship service at a church for years without growing in community with the people of that congregation. We believe the New Testament teaches a fuller version of church community than that. The New Testament picture of the church is one of a family. LifeGroups at Provision do the most to move people from isolation to community. We like to talk about the progression like this: from stranger to neighbor to friend to family. Everyone starts out as strangers, but our hope is that you don’t feel like one for long.
Strangers don’t know anything about you.
Neighbors might know your name and what you’re like, but you’re probably not calling them when you get a flat tire.
Friends have been in your home, they’ve seen you with your shoes off. They’ve seen some of your bad days and they know how to care for you.
Family puts your needs ahead of their own, they love you and make you a part of their life in meaningful ways.
Churches shouldn’t be full of strangers. We should be family. But families can only be so big. There’s no way to know 100 people on the deep level of a family. LifeGroups provide the opportunity to build lasting and Christ centered relationships with the church that look more like family than strangers.
LifeGroups have 7 week semesters at a time. You’re welcome to join one and try a different the next semester. LifeGroups meet on almost every night of the week, so you can choose one that works in your schedule and for your family. Each group provides childcare.
All you need to do to join a LifeGroup is to register and show up. I hope you’ll give it a try and enjoy Christ centered community with Provision.
Join a LifeGroup Here
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